Are You Ready to Join Our Family? Apply for a Job!
CorpLine® teams always work in coordination. It integrates with each other from all over the world and acts solution-oriented. No unnecessary processes and man-made nonsense here. The CorpLine® family has endless energy to generate business! Submit apply for a job form now. Our human resources will review and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please fill out the form below “fully and accurately”. There are all the necessary details for us to get to know you! But remember; We may request more information from you in line with the position you are applying for and our needs.
Attention!: By completing the application form here and sending it to us, you accept our Privacy Policy.
Attention!: The information you share is stored on our secure servers and is subject to GDPR procedures. For detailed information, you can visit the Terms of Service page.
How Does the Process Work?
First of all, all your applications are collected in the CorpLine® Dynamic system and backed up for the specified period. It is queued. It is protected. After the preliminary examination, it is distributed to the relevant departments.
1) Department Review
Your transferred applications are previewed in the technical department. Your suitability for the field applied for is first reviewed by the team members working in that field. It is evaluated by the unit manager. If approved by the department, your application will be passed to the second stage.
2) Human Resources Review
If your technical competence is found appropriate, your application will be transferred to the Human Resources Department again. Congratulations! Now your application is more likely to be approved. But remember; Our HR department evaluates your ability to work properly with the team as a top priority, even if your technical competence is at a high level. If they do not believe that you can carry out a harmonious work, your application may turn out to be negative, no matter how high technical skills you have. At this stage, the Human Resources Department may request a one-on-one meeting from you. If the approval process is done, your application will be passed to the third stage.
3) Management Review
If approval is received from the first two stages, your application will be passed to the third stage. At this point, your application is shared with our managers for final approval. The management team examines the information you share, technical department notes and HR reports in all details. If necessary, a one-on-one meeting with you may be requested again. When all approvals are given, your application will be positive and our HR department will contact you for your recruitment process.
Did you know that you can get information about the current status of your applications by contacting the CorpLine® Support Team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Find out now.

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