
Current Period Planning

We Set and Realize Periodical Goals

In line with our corporate culture, we set internal and external targets for each quarter. We make the right assessment at the right time. We are growing day by day by reaching our goals step by step.


Main Goal: Arranging the corporate structure with new generation options.


Main Goal: Increasing product and service developments.


Main Goal: Accelerating product distribution and support processes.


Main Goal: Increasing company profitability and tightening revenue.

2023/Q2 Identified Basic Need Word: Tightening

Our main determination that we will shape all our activities in the current quarter is financial tightening. It is thought that businesses will tend to prefer low-cost but highly effective products and services that will help their financial tightening. In this context, regulations are planned within the scope of products and services.


Sections to Increase

The second quarter increase figures, one of our main targets for 2023, reflect our internal dynamics. An increase in the number of customers should be inevitable for fixed services that need to be continuously output.

15 %

Customer Increase

20 %

User Increase

18 %

Billing Increase


CorpLine customer portfolio is 92% business and 8% individual customer. Customer definition represents each equity firm operating in various sectors.


It represents the number of users working with and registered customers benefiting from our company's services. Mail users, system users etc.


Represents each billing to customers for products and services sold. It covers annual renewals, additional services and all other transactions.


It defines all product development, sales, service sales, marketing, promotion, support, maintenance and all other activities offered by our company.

How Do We Provide the Increase?

Quarterly targets in CorpLine are updated every period. Realistic and regulated goals are set. Sales, user and billing increases are achieved through periodically planned campaigns. Our registered customers are offered solutions in line with the planned increase target. Our new generation solutions and services are introduced to our potential customers.

Reasonable Price Planning According to Competitors


Identifying Needs and Suggestions for Solutions by Periods


Constantly Changing Sales and Marketing Channels


Our Global Prospects for 2023/Q2


Interest Rate Increases

Central banks around the world are expected to raise interest rates. In this context, a decrease was expected in the investment budgets of enterprises.

Exchange Rate Imbalance

The global recession is expected to create an imbalance in exchange rates between countries. In this context, exchange rate advantageous services will come to the fore.

The Rise in Digitization

The decline in business plans and budgets caused by the problems in global finance; will increase the diffusion of low-cost and high-impact digital services.

2023/Q3 Identified Basic Need Word: Great Fall

In the next quarter of 2023, we expect big and free falls in the business and financial markets. We anticipate that it will be a quarter in which the global recession expectations will begin to reflect on the financial figures. Our predictions; It encourages us to take action.


Sections to be Dropped

There are things that we need to increase as well as things that we need to decrease. We take responsibility for a better world, a better environment and a better society. We are committing to a decrease in numbers to fulfill whatever falls on our business.

40 % -

Printed Materials

25 % -

Carbon Release

20 % -

Response Time

Printed Materials

We no longer need printed materials. As CorpLine, we do not want to waste any more resources in the digitalizing world. This is our commitment to reducing our print product orders.

Carbon Release

It means reducing emission values by turning to carbon-free options in the development, operation, marketing and transfer processes that take place within our business activities.

Response Time

We try to reduce the resources spent by reducing the time of project development, customer requests and problem solving. Thus, we reduce the need for resources and fulfill our responsibility.


All of our quarterly plans are based on a single purpose as a result. Our business becomes more compatible with nature and the environment and enlarges its goals. In total, we strive to get better each quarter.