
How Many Websites Are Separated?


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    Internet sites; It can be divided into different types with options such as technique, intended use, and infrastructure. While the most accurate ranking for developers is technical, the most accurate ranking for users and businesses is by purpose and volume.

    Websites by Purpose of Use

    1-) Individual Websites

    These are the sites created by individual users who are not a business or capital company. Personal promotion sites, portfolio sites, blogs, albums are included in this category. People introduce any text, image, sound, video and content they want to the world through the websites they create. Advanced features are not available. The main goal is to reach the most people with minimum cost.

    2-) Corporate Websites

    These are the sites created by business and capital companies for various purposes. Company promotion site, service and service promotion sites, catalog sites, product sales sites, customer communication sites are included in this category. It is vital for businesses to be searched and found online. The main goal is for the business to reach as many potential customers as possible over the internet. At the same time, corporate websites have a confidence-increasing effect on customers. It creates customer loyalty. It is preferred for buyers. It offers the opportunity to be compared with other companies and to get ahead.

    3-) Public Websites

    These are the sites created by the government and its affiliated institutions. E-government sites, municipality sites, establishment sites, service and survey sites, university sites, student automation sites are included in this category. It enables the public to reach and provide services to citizens over the internet. The main purpose is to enable citizens to access government services from anywhere at any time and get instant feedback. Thus, public costs are reduced. Service speed and satisfaction increase. With inclusive access, equal access to services by all citizens is guaranteed.

    Source: CorpLine® Support Team

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